Grand Knight’s Message

Brother Knights & Sister Columbiettes,

Sorry I have not kept up on the Grand Knight’s message. I will do my best to keep everyone updated & informed in the future, my apologies. I hope everyone had a great Summer. Now that Fall has arrived along with the beautiful fall colors and cooler weather, so has the busy season for Cavallaro. We will be starting to do our charitable deeds for our Parish and Community. We will be having our Casino Night in October. This is a BIG FUNDRAISER for us this year. We have not had any fundraisers during the year and need to raise funds for our charitable work on the horizon. We are looking forward for our Brother Knights to help and attend this event and any others that follow to keep our Council strong and moving forward. Like I have stated many, many times, without you members, Cavallaro would not exist.

On 10/12 @ 7PM we will have our Casino Night. 
Information has been promoted on our web site, Facebook, Church bulletin, The Tablet & emailed to members. Please attend this fundraiser as it is MUCH NEEDED for Cavallaro Council to do our charitable work for our Parish & community.

On 11/9, the Columbiettes will be having an Eat, Sip & Paint Day @ St. Dominic’s @ 2PM. Fliers have been emailed to the membership and will be promoted on our site, facebook and the bulletin also. This is the first fundraiser the Columbiettes have had in a long time. Please support our Sister Columbiettes.

There will be a Membership Drive in the future at St. Athanasius after all morning masses. The Columbiettes will also join us in this membership drive. Much help is needed at this membership drive. We must continue to bring new members into our Council & grow strong for our Parish & Community. Will keep you posted on when the date will be scheduled.

St. Dominic’s Outreach is always looking for volunteers to help them with their events. Some of the things they do are Hope’s Kitchen, Folding & Sorting & Street Outreach serving hot meals to those in need. If you can volunteer, please contact them and they will inform you when and where they need your help.

If we didn’t have you as a member, we would NOT have Cavallaro Council.

Thank you again my brothers and sisters.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, ideas or just to talk anytime.

S.K. Mike A. Nuccio
Grand Knight