Grand Knight’s Message

Brother Knights & Sister Columbiettes,

As the Columbian year is coming to a close, I would like to thank everyone for all their hard work this past year in doing our charitable deeds and supporting our Church and community. 

With the Lord on our side we will continue to move forward and continue to have better years in the future. I am looking for Cavallaro Council to grow, be more active and to be represented strong in the District and in our Parish & community. 

We need to remember our faith and continue to do our deeds for our Parish. Please reflect on why you joined the largest Catholic organization, the Knights of Columbus. Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus over 140 years ago. It is up to us as members to make sure the Order reaches another 140 years!! 

Thank you again my brothers and sisters..

Feel free to contact me with any questions, ideas or just to talk anytime.  

S.K. Mike A. Nuccio
Grand Knight