Grand Knight’s Message

Brother Knights & Sister Columbiettes,

The Lenten Season is upon us and will begin this week on Ash Wednesday as we reflect and prepare for the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. ​Everyone, have a Blessed Lenten Season.

​On ​2/9 ​Cavallaro Council had our Super Bowl Party. Thank you to all that attended and purchased Super Bowl boxes supporting the council. We all had a really good time with great food, great friends and a lopsided game LOL. 

​On 2/22, we had 2 members take their 4th Degree Exemplification at St. Patrick’s Catherdral.​ It was the 125th Anniversary of the 4th Degree and was really well attended from other councils and states. 650 men made their 4th degree that day. Deputy Grand Knight, Deacon Bill and myself attended the Degree, Mass and Dinner, supporting our new Sir Knights. Congratulations Sir Knight Calogero Stansu & Sir Knight Brandon Apicella!!

On Saturday 3/1 we had a Free Throw Contest at St. A’s Gym. We had 13 children participate in the contest. We have 6 children moving on to the next round on Saturday 3/8 at Resurrection Gym. Hopefully the children from St. A’s can do well and continue to move forward to the round after Saturday.

St. Dominic’s Outreach is always looking for volunteers to help them with their events. Some of the things they do are Hope’s Kitchen, Folding & Sorting & Street Outreach serving hot meals to those in need. If you can volunteer, please contact them and they will inform you when and where they need your help.

I am looking for Cavallaro Council to be more active and to be represented strongly in the District and in our Parish & Community. It is time for Cavallaro to grow, be more active and move forward!!!

Remember to support your Council and Church and look back at why you joined the largest Catholic organization in the world. If we didn’t have you as a member, we would NOT have Cavallaro Council.

Thank you again my brothers and sisters.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, ideas or just to talk anytime.

S.K. Mike A. Nuccio
Grand Knight