Founders Day, March 29, 1882
Founders Day, March 29, 1882
March 29th is the founding day of the Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by Blessed Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 29, 1882.

Free Throw Competition
Free Throw Competition
Cavallaro Council had a Free throw Competition on Saturday 3/1 at St. A’s. We had 13 paticipants in the competition. We would like to congratulate the winners, Rosalie Sterling, Gianfranco Pizzo, Kaitlyn Xurc, Jacob Savach, Ariana Sterling and Thomas Ruda who will moving onto the next round. We at Cavallaro Council says all 13 participants are winners.

125th Fourth Degree Exemplification February 22, 2025
125th Fourth Degree Exemplification
February 22, 2025
Cavallaro Council would like to Congratulate our members and welcome the New Sir Knights Calogero Stansu & Brandon Apicella who made their 4th Degree on 2/22/2025 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

FREE THROW – 3/1/2025
FREE THROW – 3/1/2025
Joseph B. Cavallaro Council #4884 – Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Free Throw Championship at St Athanasius Church for boys and girls, ages 9-14. Come on down and shoot some baskets and make it the next round for the Championship!!!

Columbiettes Eat, Sip & Paint
Thank you to everyone who attended a great Eat, Sip & Paint Day on Saturday sponsored by our Columbiettes. Everyone had a really good time, enjoying good food, good friends and showing off their Picaso and Rembrant painting styles. Looking forward to the next Eat, Sip and Paint Party looking for our next Vincent van Gogh.